- Ozark City Schools
- Superintendent's Corner

Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Reeivice L. Girtman
Message from Superintendent, Mr. Reeivice Girtman
Dear Eagle Family,
What an exciting time to be an Eagle! So many wonderful things are happening... In 2022, for the first time in school district history, two Ozark City Schools teachers were nominated as Sweet Sixteen Finalists for Alabama Teacher of the Year. Congratulations once again to Meagan Johnson (Lisenby Primary) and Laura Traylor (Carroll High). We also congratulate Carroll High School (CHS) for receiving Cognia STEM Recertification. CHS was the first school in Alabama to receive STEM certification in 2018. Mixon Intermediate School was named a Council for Leaders of Alabama Schools (CLAS) Banner for 2022. Also in 2022, two Ozark City Schools, DA Smith Middle School and Carroll High School, were designated as Alabama Purple Star Schools by the Alabama State Department of Education. The Purple Star designation was awarded to only twelve school systems in Alabama for supporting military families. We are Ft. Rucker and we welcome our military families from all over the globe to Ozark, AL.
Very soon we will open a newly renovated Career Exploration Center at historic DA Smith Middle School. This facility will provide our middle level students with early exposure and hands-on opportunities to explore all sixteen Alabama Career Clusters prior to stepping foot on the Carroll High School campus. This early exposure will help our students make more informed class and career choices in the future. Our new renovation is another example of how Ozark rallies when needed. Several local businesses including Alabama Power, Circle Insurance, Commercial Bank, Dale Medical Center, Troy University, and Wiregrass RC&D are supporting this effort. We also have received gracious support from our local state representatives, Steve Clouse and Donnie Chesteen. Ozark City Schools is excited to announce a monumental partnership with Troy University. This partnership is aimed towards helping our district to “Grow Our Own” next generation of educators. Carroll High School graduates who fully complete the Educator In Training program through the CHS Career Center will be eligible for college credit and admission at Troy University. Our goal is to incentivize our former students to become our future employees. Furthermore, our partnership with Troy University will provide extended opportunities for current employees to further their higher education, degree, and certification through the Troy to Work Program. Troy University will also serve as a major provider for support and professional development for our educators; and all right here in Ozark, AL. What a great opportunity for current and future employees of Ozark City Schools! This is #ONEeagle and another great example of why Ozark Needs Everyone.
This year each OCS student began the school year with their very own Chromebook due to our 2022 1:1 technology initiative. Technology advancements will continue to be a priority for Ozark City Schools. We recently unveiled our new Ozark City Schools app. The new “free” app can be found wherever you purchase your Apple or Android applications. Among other things, the app will allow us to instantly notify parents and stakeholders of critical information. Parents will also be able to check student grades, attendance, fees, etc. For the future, we are excited about reviewing and updating our current Strategic Plan. Our revised plan will be a living and breathing document that truly engages and informs our #ONEeagle community on the continuous advancement of Ozark City Schools. If you would be interested in participating in our Strategic Plan development, please complete the link (attached form).
We encourage you to visit us on Facebook and Twitter. Our #ONEeagle commercial can be seen on local cable television as well as other streaming sources. Ozark Needs Everyone and Ozark Needs You!
Reeivice L. Girtman